About TWENTY16 Professional Cycling

United by Sport LLC.
United by Sport LLC a sports management company founded in 2005 by Nicola Cranmer has owned and operated PROMAN Cycling Team, PROMAN Hit Squad, PROMAN UCI Professional Track Team, Peanut Butter & Co. TWENTY16, Exergy TWENTY16, Exergy TWENTY16 UCI professional Women's Cycling Team, Exergy TWENTY16 Junior Development Team, K-Edge Felt Cyclocross Team and TWENTY16 Women's Professional Cycling Team.
Tam Cycling Inc. 501(c)(3)
TWENTY16 Professional Cycling is operated under Tam Cycling Inc. Section 501(c)(3) is the portion of the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit organizations, specifically those that are considered public charities, private foundations or private operating foundations. It is regulated and administered by the US Department of Treasury through the Internal Revenue Service. One of the most distinct provisions unique to Section 501(c)(3) organizations as compared with other tax exempt entities is the tax deductibility of donations. 26 U.S.C. § 170, provides a deduction, for federal income tax purposes, for some donors who make charitable contributions to most types of 501(c)(3) organizations.
The Team
When we named the team TWENTY12 in 2009, we had a definite goal of taking athletes to the 2012 London Olympics. London resulted in 2 Olympic medals; gold and silver, the only U.S based road program to achieve this. We are now looking ahead to the Rio 2016 Olympics. Our team consists of 14 professional athletes including, numerous World, Pan Am and National champions and 5 Olympic Medalists; Kristin Armstrong 2008 & 2012 Gold Medalist who will continue as our High Performance Director and 2000 Olympic Silver Medalist and 2000 World Champion Mari Holden as Sports Director. Six-time World Champion and two-time 2012 Olympic silver medalist Sarah Hammer, two-time Pan American Champion and 2012 Olympic silver medalist Dotsie Bausch and 2008 World Champion and 2012 Olympic silver medalist Jennie Reed round out the solid gold roster. The team was the only U.S women's road team to earn medals in London Olympics. The team is now TWENTY16 with an eye on Rio.
Youth cycling is an important component to the program, supporting 14 of the top juniors in the nation ranging in ages 11-18. These young women learn essential skills such as team work, sacrifice and commitment that they can carry over to the work place if a professional athletic career is not pursued. Our team races primarily in the U.S but also expands in to Europe with National Team projects amounting to over 130 race days on the road and track. For 2015 we hope to add a nationwide club ambassador program, increasing our brand reach and fan interaction.
We pride ourselves on working with top partners; innovators and leaders in their fields. Working with two successful Olympians we have learned the importance of details and small percentages which add up to significant gains. We hope you will join us on the road to Rio 2016 Olympics. Our unique team model enables experienced riders to perform at their highest potential and offers junior riders a ground breaking mentor program, developing future champions and leaders.
From its grass roots beginnings moving into our eighth year of operation, we hope we continue to reach an audience and inspire them to lead a healthy lifestyle and participate in community activities. I used to love the quote "The sky is the limit". I believe we will go further.
Nicola Cranmer - General Manager
United By Sport LLC
TWENTY16 Professional Cycling Team
TWENTY16 Junior Development Team
K-Edge / Felt Professional Cyclocross Team
USA Cycling Centers of Excellence 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013