Eric Freitag, Psy.D., FACPN, QME, EMT
"I used to think the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this" - Emo Philips
Team Role/Title: Team Concussion Specialist/ Neuropsychologist
Place of Birth: Tacoma Wa
Currently reside: Walnut Creek CA
Dr. Freitag is a licensed psychologist and a board certified clinical neuropsychologist, the founder and Executive Director of the Mt. Diablo Memory Center, a Qualified Medical Examinter, Emergency Medical Technician and a Credentialed ImPACT Consultant. As a neuropsychologist, he works extensively with individuals with traumatic brain injury and other neurological illnesses. He started the Sport Concussion Program in 2006 and has provided baseline and post injury concussion care to hundreds of athletes in the Bay Area. Dr. Freitag consults with several schools and organizations in the area. He has been the team concussion specialist for Team Twenty16 for the past 3 years. In his free time, he enjoys cycling, playing basketball and coaching his son's sport teams.
Facebook: in progress
What are some important facts about concussion that every cyclist should know?
The most important thing to know about concussions is that it is a brain injury and that these injuries take time to heal. Any athlete should not compete or participate in activities where there is a risk for head injury while they are injured and recovering from a concussion.
Concussion info and important links:
- Concussion 101: This is a great video that is primarily for parents but does provide valuable information on how to best manage a concussion.
TWENTY16 has an emphasis on education with the initiation of our Junior Scholarship program in 2015.
Why is it important for the athlete to go on to college ?
Education provides an individual with options that may not otherwise be possible. Many more doors will open for opportunities for employment and advancement when someone has earned a college degree.
Favorite Foods:
1. Salmon
2. Tacos
3. Stew
Top 10 playlist
1. My kids have control over the playlist.